We've all found ourselves in this situation: You're working on an important office document with multiple browser windows and tabs open. Then, suddenly, your computer crashes, or you accidentally close the window where all your tabs are open. Or it doesn't even have to be an accident. You're simply done with the day; however, you still have to get back to those tabs the next day.

Finding all those web pages again can be pretty frustrating, but it doesn't have to be. You can save all your tabs in Chrome for the future, so they can be opened again quickly if your system crashes or you close the browser accidentally. Let's see how!

Saving All Open Tabs

Chrome has an in-built feature that lets you save all currently open tabs.

  1. With your tabs open in Chrome, click the 'three-dot' menu icon on the top right of the browser.
  1. Go to the 'Bookmarks and Lists' option, and a sub-menu will appear on the left, showing all options related to bookmarks.
  1. Click the 'Bookmark All Tabs' option or use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + D on Windows or Cmd + Shift + D to save all open tabs.
  1. This method allows you to save open tabs in Chrome quickly. However, you will have to follow the same process for each browser window you open.
Note: This method is not a long-term solution since it can become quite tedious to sort through all the saved bookmarks. Additionally, you may not remember the purpose of saving a particular tab later on.

Using The OneTab Chrome Extension

Another way to save tabs in Chrome is via the OneTab Chrome extension. You will need to first download and install the extension from the Chrome web store.

  1. Visit the Chrome OneTab extension page and click on the 'Add to Chrome' button to install it.
  1. This will show you a notification asking you to confirm the installation. Click on the 'Add Extension' button to confirm.
  1. Once the extension is installed, you can view it by clicking on the extensions icon next to the address bar.
  1. When you click on the OneTab extension in the list of extensions, it will ask for permission to manage tab groups. To grant permission, click on the 'Allow' button.
  1. The OneTab extension will show all of your open tabs as a list, and you can restore tabs individually or all at once as needed.
  1. On the right side, you will see a few options, including those for sharing and exporting tabs. Click on the 'Export/Import URLs' option to export all open tabs.
  1. This will show the URLs of all the tabs, allowing you to easily copy them into a text document and save them for later use.
  1. Another way to save tabs is by clicking on the 'Share All As Web Page' option.
  1. Clicking on this option will provide you with a QR code. When you scan the code, all your tabs will be restored.
  1. If you want to copy the links to the tabs, simply click on the 'Copy Links To Clipboard' option on the right. To open the tabs later, just paste the links in the browser.

Creating And Saving Tab Groups

In Google Chrome, you can create tab groups that make it easier to manage multiple tabs. Tab groups let you arrange tabs, hide them when not needed, and save them for easy access.

  1. To create a tab group, right-click on an open tab that you want to add to a group, and you will find several options.
  1. Click on the 'Add Tab To New Group' option to create a new tab group.
  1. You will see a pop-up allowing you to pick a color and a name for the tab group. Select a color and a name, such as 'Group 1' and press the 'Enter' key on Windows and the 'Return' key on Mac.
  1. Now, drag the tabs you want to the group and they will be included in it. All tabs included in the group will be underlined in your chosen color.
  1. To save a tab group, right-click on it and click on the 'Save Group' option.
  1. When you save a tab group, Chrome will add a label for the group on the left of the bookmarks bar. Clicking on it will open all your saved tabs.

Resuming On Fresh Start

Google Chrome also lets you continue browsing from where you left off last time with this method. So, if you didn't save them before, you can still get them.

  1. Launch Chrome and click the three dots in the upper right corner.
  1. From the menu that drops down, click the 'Settings' option.
  1. These settings control how Chrome works on your system. Click the 'On Startup' setting.
  1. Next, click on 'Continue Where You Left Off''. Now Chrome will reopen your browser windows and tabs every time you launch it.
Note: This method only works on tabs that were open at the time you closed Chrome. If you had closed a tab earlier, it will not reopen on relaunching Chrome. It will also not work if Chrome is not closed properly, such as during crashes.

That's it. Now you know how to save your Chrome tabs, you can easily do so on any Windows or Mac system you are working on. Unlike third-party extensions developed for this purpose, there are no privacy concerns when using these methods, so you can save your tabs without any worries.