Fortnite Season 8 update has borrowed one of the most fantastic features of Apex Legends — the ping system. Using pings in Fortnite, you can now mark the location of enemies and weapons with the click of a button. The ping system dramatically improves communication between teammates when not using a mic.

However, unlike Apex Legends, the characters in Fortnite don’t speak. So when you ping something in Fortnite, a short notification tone is played to let your teammates know that you’ve pinged something. The ping tone is different for each type of pings.

As of now, you can ping the following things in Fortnite.

  • An enemy location.
  • Guns, ammo, health items, and more.
  • A location where your squad should gather or head towards.

How to ping an enemy in Fortnite

When you spot an enemy in Fortnite and want to let your squad know about its location, you can simply place a red marker on it by double-clicking the middle mouse button on PC. If you’re on Xbox or PS4, you can mark ping enemy location by double pressing the left key on the D-pad of your controller.

The enemy location pings are highlighted in deep red color with an exclamation mark on the screen. When you ping an enemy, a siren sound is also played to alert your teammates about potential danger nearby.

How to ping ammo, guns, health items, and more

To ping an item that might be useful for your teammates, you need to simply press the middle mouse button over the item you want to ping on a PC.

On Xbox and PS4, you need to press the left key on the D-pad of your controller over an item you want to ping.

Similarly, you can ping a location for your squad with a single press of the place marker key on your PC or console on any area on the map.