The latest iOS update has introduced significant changes to the Control Center, a feature iPhone users rely on for quick access to essential functions. However, a critical oversight in this redesign has left many users frustrated: the lack of an 'Undo' function or a 'Save' button to confirm changes.

As a long-time iPhone user, I've always appreciated the Control Center for its simplicity and efficiency. But with iOS 18, what was once a straightforward tool has become a source of unexpected headaches. The absence of a way to undo changes or revert to a previous layout becomes glaringly apparent when you start experimenting with the new customization features.

Here's a scenario that highlights the issue: I decided to resize the network widget, curious about its full-screen capabilities. After checking it out, I shrunk it back down. To my dismay, my carefully arranged controls scattered across multiple pages, turning my control center layout into a disorganized mess. In that moment, all I wanted was a way to undo my changes or revert to my previous layout. But no such option exists.


This oversight is particularly problematic given the new multi-page layout and increased customization options. Without a 'Save' button or an 'Undo' feature, every change is immediately applied and saved, leaving no room for experimentation or error.

The process of reorganizing controls is far from intuitive. Moving widgets within pages or between pages is cumbersome and time-consuming. For users who frequently adjust their Control Center layout or accidentally misplace their widgets, the lack of a simple way to undo changes is more than just an inconvenience - it's a significant usability issue.

An 'Undo' function or a 'Save' button would provide a quick solution for users who find themselves unhappy with their changes. It would allow us to experiment with different layouts without the fear of immediately and irreversibly altering our setup. This feature would be particularly useful for those still adapting to the new system and may make mistakes while customizing their layout.

The multi-page design, while offering more space for controls, has also introduced some unintended consequences. I've found myself accidentally scrolling between pages when trying to swipe out of the Control Center, adding an extra layer of frustration to what should be a simple interaction.

While there is a workaround to remove additional pages, it feels like a band-aid solution to a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place. The ability to undo changes or confirm them with a 'Save' button would be a much more elegant and user-friendly solution.

As someone who's used iPhones for years, I can't help but feel that Apple has overlooked a crucial aspect of user experience with this update. The Control Center was meant to be a quick access tool, not a commitment to every accidental swipe or resize.

My hope is that Apple is listening to user feedback. An 'Undo' function or a 'Save' button for the Control Center isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a necessity for maintaining the seamless user experience that iPhone users have come to expect. Until then, we'll be left carefully arranging our widgets, hoping we don't make a mistake that we can't easily fix.