Microsoft has put in a great deal of effort in building the Windows Terminal. It supports theming and customizations in a way that any terminal geek would love. All the theming customizations for Windows Terminal goes into the settings.json
You can theme a Windows Terminal into Dark Mode, Light Mode, Colorful stripes, and apply even custom background images to one shell or all shells in the Terminal.
Below is a roundup of 50+ Windows Terminal Themes created by several individual users over at Github, Reddit, and other similar places where the cool nerds hangout. To use these themes, all you need to do is copy the theme code and paste it in the schemes
section of the Terminal’s settings.json
Windows Terminal Dark Themes
Theme Code
"name" : "Monokai Night",
"background" : "#1f1f1f",
"foreground" : "#f8f8f8",
"black" : "#1f1f1f",
"blue" : "#6699df",
"cyan" : "#e69f66",
"green" : "#a6e22e",
"purple" : "#ae81ff",
"red" : "#f92672",
"white" : "#f8f8f2",
"yellow" : "#e6db74",
"brightBlack" : "#75715e",
"brightBlue" : "#66d9ef",
"brightCyan" : "#e69f66",
"brightGreen" : "#a6e22e",
"brightPurple" : "#ae81ff",
"brightRed" : "#f92672",
"brightWhite" : "#f8f8f2",
"brightYellow" : "#e6db74"
Theme Code
"background" : "#232323",
"black" : "#000000",
"blue" : "#579BD5",
"brightBlack" : "#797979",
"brightBlue" : "#9BDBFE",
"brightCyan" : "#2BC4E2",
"brightGreen" : "#1AD69C",
"brightPurple" : "#DF89DD",
"brightRed" : "#F6645D",
"brightWhite" : "#EAEAEA",
"brightYellow" : "#F6F353",
"cyan" : "#00B6D6",
"foreground" : "#D3D3D3",
"green" : "#3FC48A",
"purple" : "#CA5BC8",
"red" : "#D8473F",
"white" : "#EAEAEA",
"yellow" : "#D7BA7D"
Theme Code
"background": "#193549",
"black": "#000000",
"blue": "#1478DB",
"brightBlack": "#808080",
"brightBlue": "#1478DB",
"brightCyan": "#00ffff",
"brightGreen": "#33ff00",
"brightPurple": "#cc00ff",
"brightRed": "#ff0000",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"brightYellow": "#ffff00",
"cyan": "#00c5c7",
"foreground": "#c7c7c7",
"green": "#3AD900",
"name": "Cobalt2",
"purple": "#ff2c70",
"red": "#ff2600",
"white": "#c7c7c7",
"yellow": "#ffc600"
Theme Code
"background": "#1B1B1B",
"black": "#000000",
"blue": "#4E90A7",
"brightBlack": "#5D5D5D",
"brightBlue": "#9CD9F0",
"brightCyan" : "#77DFD8",
"brightGreen" : "#CDEE69",
"brightPurple" : "#FBB1F9",
"brightRed" : "#E09690",
"brightWhite" : "#F7F7F7",
"brightYellow" : "#FFE377",
"cyan" : "#218693",
"foreground" : "#F8F8F8",
"green" : "#8EB33B",
"name" : "SMYCK",
"purple" : "#C8A0D1",
"red" : "#C75646",
"white" : "#B0B0B0",
"yellow" : "#D0B03C"
"acrylicOpacity" : 0.5,
"closeOnExit" : true,
"colorScheme" : "SMYCK",
"commandline" : "powershell.exe",
"cursorColor" : "#FFFFFF",
"cursorShape" : "bar",
"fontFace" : "SMYCK",
"fontSize" : 10,
"guid" : "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
"historySize" : 9001,
"icon" : "ms-appx:///ProfileIcons/{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}.png",
"name" : "Windows PowerShell",
"padding" : "0, 0, 0, 0",
"snapOnInput" : true,
"startingDirectory" : "%USERPROFILE%",
"useAcrylic" : false
"acrylicOpacity" : 0.75,
"closeOnExit" : true,
"colorScheme" : "SMYCK",
"commandline" : "cmd.exe",
"cursorColor" : "#FFFFFF",
"cursorShape" : "bar",
"fontFace" : "Consolas",
"fontSize" : 10,
"guid" : "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}",
"historySize" : 9001,
"icon" : "ms-appx:///ProfileIcons/{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}.png",
"name" : "cmd",
"padding" : "0, 0, 0, 0",
"snapOnInput" : true,
"startingDirectory" : "%USERPROFILE%",
"useAcrylic" : true
Theme Code
"name": "Monokai Seti Dark",
"foreground": "#F8F8F2",
"background": "#151718",
"black": "#151718",
"brightBlack": "#625e4c",
"blue": "#9D65FF",
"brightBlue": "#9D65FF",
"cyan": "#58D1EB",
"brightCyan": "#58D1EB",
"green": "#98F424",
"brightGreen": "#98F424",
"purple": "#F4005F",
"brightPurple": "#F4005F",
"red": "#F4005F",
"brightRed": "#F4005F",
"white": "#F8F8F2",
"brightWhite": "#f6f6ef",
"yellow": "#FA8419",
"brightYellow": "#FA8419"
Theme Code
"schemes": [
"name": "Thanatos Dark",
"background" : "#1a2b3c",
"foreground" : "#e09887",
"selectionBackground": "#fef8ec",
"black": "#65737e",
"blue": "#0e9bd1",
"brightBlack": "#acacac",
"brightBlue": "#7899ba",
"brightCyan": "#0099ad",
"brightGreen": "#0de1b1",
"brightRed": "#d47186",
"brightWhite": "#fef8ec",
"brightYellow": "#d8cb32",
"brightPurple": "#ab43aa",
"purple": "#928ba6",
"cyan": "#008486",
"green": "#0099ad",
"red": "#ce4559",
"white": "#fef8ec",
"yellow": "#d8cb32"
"name": "Thanatos Light",
"background" : "#f6f6f0",
"foreground" : "#3f5060",
"selectionBackground": "#0e639c",
"black": "#36475b",
"blue": "#0e9bd1",
"brightBlack": "#65737e",
"brightBlue": "#7899ba",
"brightCyan": "#008a8e",
"brightGreen": "#0de1b1",
"brightRed": "#d47186",
"brightWhite": "#1a2b3c",
"brightYellow": "#eaa221",
"brightPurple": "#ab43aa",
"purple": "#ab43aa",
"cyan": "#008486",
"green": "#008a8e",
"red": "#e19887",
"white": "#7899ba",
"yellow": "#eaa221"
Theme Code
"name": "cyberpunk",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#ff7092",
"green": "#00fbac",
"yellow": "#fffa6a",
"blue": "#00bfff",
"purple": "#df95ff",
"cyan": "#86cbfe",
"white": "#ffffff",
"brightBlack": "#000000",
"brightRed": "#ff8aa4",
"brightGreen": "#21f6bc",
"brightYellow": "#fff787",
"brightBlue": "#1bccfd",
"brightPurple": "#e6aefe",
"brightCyan": "#99d6fc",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#332a57",
"foreground": "#e5e5e5"
Theme Code
"name": "MaterialDark",
"black": "#212121",
"red": "#b7141f",
"green": "#457b24",
"yellow": "#f6981e",
"blue": "#134eb2",
"purple": "#560088",
"cyan": "#0e717c",
"white": "#efefef",
"brightBlack": "#424242",
"brightRed": "#e83b3f",
"brightGreen": "#7aba3a",
"brightYellow": "#ffea2e",
"brightBlue": "#54a4f3",
"brightPurple": "#aa4dbc",
"brightCyan": "#26bbd1",
"brightWhite": "#d9d9d9",
"background": "#232322",
"foreground": "#e5e5e5"
Theme Code
"name": "Medallion",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#b64c00",
"green": "#7c8b16",
"yellow": "#d3bd26",
"blue": "#616bb0",
"purple": "#8c5a90",
"cyan": "#916c25",
"white": "#cac29a",
"brightBlack": "#5e5219",
"brightRed": "#ff9149",
"brightGreen": "#b2ca3b",
"brightYellow": "#ffe54a",
"brightBlue": "#acb8ff",
"brightPurple": "#ffa0ff",
"brightCyan": "#ffbc51",
"brightWhite": "#fed698",
"background": "#1d1908",
"foreground": "#cac296"
Theme Code
"name": "Zenburn",
"black": "#4d4d4d",
"red": "#705050",
"green": "#60b48a",
"yellow": "#f0dfaf",
"blue": "#506070",
"purple": "#dc8cc3",
"cyan": "#8cd0d3",
"white": "#dcdccc",
"brightBlack": "#709080",
"brightRed": "#dca3a3",
"brightGreen": "#c3bf9f",
"brightYellow": "#e0cf9f",
"brightBlue": "#94bff3",
"brightPurple": "#ec93d3",
"brightCyan": "#93e0e3",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#3f3f3f",
"foreground": "#dcdccc"
Theme Code
"name": "Whimsy",
"black": "#535178",
"red": "#ef6487",
"green": "#5eca89",
"yellow": "#fdd877",
"blue": "#65aef7",
"purple": "#aa7ff0",
"cyan": "#43c1be",
"white": "#ffffff",
"brightBlack": "#535178",
"brightRed": "#ef6487",
"brightGreen": "#5eca89",
"brightYellow": "#fdd877",
"brightBlue": "#65aef7",
"brightPurple": "#aa7ff0",
"brightCyan": "#43c1be",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#29283b",
"foreground": "#b3b0d6"
Theme Code
"name": "The Hulk",
"black": "#1b1d1e",
"red": "#269d1b",
"green": "#13ce30",
"yellow": "#63e457",
"blue": "#2525f5",
"purple": "#641f74",
"cyan": "#378ca9",
"white": "#d9d8d1",
"brightBlack": "#505354",
"brightRed": "#8dff2a",
"brightGreen": "#48ff77",
"brightYellow": "#3afe16",
"brightBlue": "#506b95",
"brightPurple": "#72589d",
"brightCyan": "#4085a6",
"brightWhite": "#e5e6e1",
"background": "#1b1d1e",
"foreground": "#b5b5b5"
Theme Code
"name": "Tomorrow Night Burns",
"black": "#252525",
"red": "#832e31",
"green": "#a63c40",
"yellow": "#d3494e",
"blue": "#fc595f",
"purple": "#df9395",
"cyan": "#ba8586",
"white": "#f5f5f5",
"brightBlack": "#5d6f71",
"brightRed": "#832e31",
"brightGreen": "#a63c40",
"brightYellow": "#d2494e",
"brightBlue": "#fc595f",
"brightPurple": "#df9395",
"brightCyan": "#ba8586",
"brightWhite": "#f5f5f5",
"background": "#151515",
"foreground": "#a1b0b8"
Theme Code
"name": "Ubuntu",
"black": "#2e3436",
"red": "#cc0000",
"green": "#4e9a06",
"yellow": "#c4a000",
"blue": "#3465a4",
"purple": "#75507b",
"cyan": "#06989a",
"white": "#d3d7cf",
"brightBlack": "#555753",
"brightRed": "#ef2929",
"brightGreen": "#8ae234",
"brightYellow": "#fce94f",
"brightBlue": "#729fcf",
"brightPurple": "#ad7fa8",
"brightCyan": "#34e2e2",
"brightWhite": "#eeeeec",
"background": "#300a24",
"foreground": "#eeeeec"
Theme Code
"name": "Spiderman",
"black": "#1b1d1e",
"red": "#e60813",
"green": "#e22928",
"yellow": "#e24756",
"blue": "#2c3fff",
"purple": "#2435db",
"cyan": "#3256ff",
"white": "#fffef6",
"brightBlack": "#505354",
"brightRed": "#ff0325",
"brightGreen": "#ff3338",
"brightYellow": "#fe3a35",
"brightBlue": "#1d50ff",
"brightPurple": "#747cff",
"brightCyan": "#6184ff",
"brightWhite": "#fffff9",
"background": "#1b1d1e",
"foreground": "#e3e3e3"
Theme Code
"name": "Solarized Dark Higher Contrast",
"black": "#002831",
"red": "#d11c24",
"green": "#6cbe6c",
"yellow": "#a57706",
"blue": "#2176c7",
"purple": "#c61c6f",
"cyan": "#259286",
"white": "#eae3cb",
"brightBlack": "#006488",
"brightRed": "#f5163b",
"brightGreen": "#51ef84",
"brightYellow": "#b27e28",
"brightBlue": "#178ec8",
"brightPurple": "#e24d8e",
"brightCyan": "#00b39e",
"brightWhite": "#fcf4dc",
"background": "#001e27",
"foreground": "#9cc2c3"
Theme Code
"name": "Royal",
"black": "#241f2b",
"red": "#91284c",
"green": "#23801c",
"yellow": "#b49d27",
"blue": "#6580b0",
"purple": "#674d96",
"cyan": "#8aaabe",
"white": "#524966",
"brightBlack": "#312d3d",
"brightRed": "#d5356c",
"brightGreen": "#2cd946",
"brightYellow": "#fde83b",
"brightBlue": "#90baf9",
"brightPurple": "#a479e3",
"brightCyan": "#acd4eb",
"brightWhite": "#9e8cbd",
"background": "#100815",
"foreground": "#514968"
Theme Code
"name": "Scarlet Protocol",
"black": "#101116",
"red": "#ff0051",
"green": "#00dc84",
"yellow": "#faf945",
"blue": "#0271b6",
"purple": "#ca30c7",
"cyan": "#00c5c7",
"white": "#c7c7c7",
"brightBlack": "#686868",
"brightRed": "#ff6e67",
"brightGreen": "#5ffa68",
"brightYellow": "#fffc67",
"brightBlue": "#6871ff",
"brightPurple": "#bd35ec",
"brightCyan": "#60fdff",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#1c153d",
"foreground": "#e41951"
Theme Code
"name": "purplepeter",
"black": "#0a0520",
"red": "#ff796d",
"green": "#99b481",
"yellow": "#efdfac",
"blue": "#66d9ef",
"purple": "#e78fcd",
"cyan": "#ba8cff",
"white": "#ffba81",
"brightBlack": "#100b23",
"brightRed": "#f99f92",
"brightGreen": "#b4be8f",
"brightYellow": "#f2e9bf",
"brightBlue": "#79daed",
"brightPurple": "#ba91d4",
"brightCyan": "#a0a0d6",
"brightWhite": "#b9aed3",
"background": "#2a1a4a",
"foreground": "#ece7fa"
Theme Code
"name": "Parasio Dark",
"black": "#2f1e2e",
"red": "#ef6155",
"green": "#48b685",
"yellow": "#fec418",
"blue": "#06b6ef",
"purple": "#815ba4",
"cyan": "#5bc4bf",
"white": "#a39e9b",
"brightBlack": "#776e71",
"brightRed": "#ef6155",
"brightGreen": "#48b685",
"brightYellow": "#fec418",
"brightBlue": "#06b6ef",
"brightPurple": "#815ba4",
"brightCyan": "#5bc4bf",
"brightWhite": "#e7e9db",
"background": "#2f1e2e",
"foreground": "#a39e9b"
Theme Code
"name": "PencilDark",
"black": "#212121",
"red": "#c30771",
"green": "#10a778",
"yellow": "#a89c14",
"blue": "#008ec4",
"purple": "#523c79",
"cyan": "#20a5ba",
"white": "#d9d9d9",
"brightBlack": "#424242",
"brightRed": "#fb007a",
"brightGreen": "#5fd7af",
"brightYellow": "#f3e430",
"brightBlue": "#20bbfc",
"brightPurple": "#6855de",
"brightCyan": "#4fb8cc",
"brightWhite": "#f1f1f1",
"background": "#212121",
"foreground": "#f1f1f1"
Theme Code
"name": "Pandora",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#ff4242",
"green": "#74af68",
"yellow": "#ffad29",
"blue": "#338f86",
"purple": "#9414e6",
"cyan": "#23d7d7",
"white": "#e2e2e2",
"brightBlack": "#3f5648",
"brightRed": "#ff3242",
"brightGreen": "#74cd68",
"brightYellow": "#ffb929",
"brightBlue": "#23d7d7",
"brightPurple": "#ff37ff",
"brightCyan": "#00ede1",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#141e43",
"foreground": "#e1e1e1"
Theme Code
"name": "N0tch2k",
"black": "#383838",
"red": "#a95551",
"green": "#666666",
"yellow": "#a98051",
"blue": "#657d3e",
"purple": "#767676",
"cyan": "#c9c9c9",
"white": "#d0b8a3",
"brightBlack": "#474747",
"brightRed": "#a97775",
"brightGreen": "#8c8c8c",
"brightYellow": "#a99175",
"brightBlue": "#98bd5e",
"brightPurple": "#a3a3a3",
"brightCyan": "#dcdcdc",
"brightWhite": "#d8c8bb",
"background": "#222222",
"foreground": "#a0a0a0"
Theme Code
"name": "Espresso",
"black": "#353535",
"red": "#d25252",
"green": "#a5c261",
"yellow": "#ffc66d",
"blue": "#6c99bb",
"purple": "#d197d9",
"cyan": "#bed6ff",
"white": "#eeeeec",
"brightBlack": "#535353",
"brightRed": "#f00c0c",
"brightGreen": "#c2e075",
"brightYellow": "#e1e48b",
"brightBlue": "#8ab7d9",
"brightPurple": "#efb5f7",
"brightCyan": "#dcf4ff",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#323232",
"foreground": "#ffffff"
Theme Code
"name": "Builtin Solarized Dark",
"black": "#073642",
"red": "#dc322f",
"green": "#859900",
"yellow": "#b58900",
"blue": "#268bd2",
"purple": "#d33682",
"cyan": "#2aa198",
"white": "#eee8d5",
"brightBlack": "#002b36",
"brightRed": "#cb4b16",
"brightGreen": "#586e75",
"brightYellow": "#657b83",
"brightBlue": "#839496",
"brightPurple": "#6c71c4",
"brightCyan": "#93a1a1",
"brightWhite": "#fdf6e3",
"background": "#002b36",
"foreground": "#839496"
Theme Code
"name": "BlueBerryPie",
"black": "#0a4c62",
"red": "#99246e",
"green": "#5cb1b3",
"yellow": "#eab9a8",
"blue": "#90a5bd",
"purple": "#9d54a7",
"cyan": "#7e83cc",
"white": "#f0e8d6",
"brightBlack": "#201637",
"brightRed": "#c87272",
"brightGreen": "#0a6c7e",
"brightYellow": "#7a3188",
"brightBlue": "#39173d",
"brightPurple": "#bc94b7",
"brightCyan": "#5e6071",
"brightWhite": "#0a6c7e",
"background": "#1c0c28",
"foreground": "#babab9"
Theme Code
"name": "Batman",
"black": "#1b1d1e",
"red": "#e6dc44",
"green": "#c8be46",
"yellow": "#f4fd22",
"blue": "#737174",
"purple": "#747271",
"cyan": "#62605f",
"white": "#c6c5bf",
"brightBlack": "#505354",
"brightRed": "#fff78e",
"brightGreen": "#fff27d",
"brightYellow": "#feed6c",
"brightBlue": "#919495",
"brightPurple": "#9a9a9d",
"brightCyan": "#a3a3a6",
"brightWhite": "#dadbd6",
"background": "#1b1d1e",
"foreground": "#6f6f6f"
Theme Code
"name": "AtelierSulphurpool",
"black": "#202746",
"red": "#c94922",
"green": "#ac9739",
"yellow": "#c08b30",
"blue": "#3d8fd1",
"purple": "#6679cc",
"cyan": "#22a2c9",
"white": "#979db4",
"brightBlack": "#6b7394",
"brightRed": "#c76b29",
"brightGreen": "#293256",
"brightYellow": "#5e6687",
"brightBlue": "#898ea4",
"brightPurple": "#dfe2f1",
"brightCyan": "#9c637a",
"brightWhite": "#f5f7ff",
"background": "#202746",
"foreground": "#979db4"
Theme Code
"name": "Calamity",
"black": "#2f2833",
"red": "#fc644d",
"green": "#a5f69c",
"yellow": "#e9d7a5",
"blue": "#3b79c7",
"purple": "#f92672",
"cyan": "#74d3de",
"white": "#d5ced9",
"brightBlack": "#7e6c88",
"brightRed": "#fc644d",
"brightGreen": "#a5f69c",
"brightYellow": "#e9d7a5",
"brightBlue": "#3b79c7",
"brightPurple": "#f92672",
"brightCyan": "#74d3de",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#2f2833",
"foreground": "#d5ced9"
Theme Code
"name": "ChallengerDeep",
"black": "#141228",
"red": "#ff5458",
"green": "#62d196",
"yellow": "#ffb378",
"blue": "#65b2ff",
"purple": "#906cff",
"cyan": "#63f2f1",
"white": "#a6b3cc",
"brightBlack": "#565575",
"brightRed": "#ff8080",
"brightGreen": "#95ffa4",
"brightYellow": "#ffe9aa",
"brightBlue": "#91ddff",
"brightPurple": "#c991e1",
"brightCyan": "#aaffe4",
"brightWhite": "#cbe3e7",
"background": "#1e1c31",
"foreground": "#cbe1e7"
Theme Code
"name": "Cobalt Neon",
"black": "#142631",
"red": "#ff2320",
"green": "#3ba5ff",
"yellow": "#e9e75c",
"blue": "#8ff586",
"purple": "#781aa0",
"cyan": "#8ff586",
"white": "#ba46b2",
"brightBlack": "#fff688",
"brightRed": "#d4312e",
"brightGreen": "#8ff586",
"brightYellow": "#e9f06d",
"brightBlue": "#3c7dd2",
"brightPurple": "#8230a7",
"brightCyan": "#6cbc67",
"brightWhite": "#8ff586",
"background": "#142838",
"foreground": "#8ff586"
Theme Code
"name": "CrayonPonyFish",
"black": "#2b1b1d",
"red": "#91002b",
"green": "#579524",
"yellow": "#ab311b",
"blue": "#8c87b0",
"purple": "#692f50",
"cyan": "#e8a866",
"white": "#68525a",
"brightBlack": "#3d2b2e",
"brightRed": "#c5255d",
"brightGreen": "#8dff57",
"brightYellow": "#c8381d",
"brightBlue": "#cfc9ff",
"brightPurple": "#fc6cba",
"brightCyan": "#ffceaf",
"brightWhite": "#b0949d",
"background": "#150707",
"foreground": "#68525a"
Theme Code
"name": "Earthsong",
"black": "#121418",
"red": "#c94234",
"green": "#85c54c",
"yellow": "#f5ae2e",
"blue": "#1398b9",
"purple": "#d0633d",
"cyan": "#509552",
"white": "#e5c6aa",
"brightBlack": "#675f54",
"brightRed": "#ff645a",
"brightGreen": "#98e036",
"brightYellow": "#e0d561",
"brightBlue": "#5fdaff",
"brightPurple": "#ff9269",
"brightCyan": "#84f088",
"brightWhite": "#f6f7ec",
"background": "#292520",
"foreground": "#e5c7a9"
Theme Code
"name": "Duotone Dark",
"black": "#1f1d27",
"red": "#d9393e",
"green": "#2dcd73",
"yellow": "#d9b76e",
"blue": "#ffc284",
"purple": "#de8d40",
"cyan": "#2488ff",
"white": "#b7a1ff",
"brightBlack": "#353147",
"brightRed": "#d9393e",
"brightGreen": "#2dcd73",
"brightYellow": "#d9b76e",
"brightBlue": "#ffc284",
"brightPurple": "#de8d40",
"brightCyan": "#2488ff",
"brightWhite": "#eae5ff",
"background": "#1f1d27",
"foreground": "#b7a1ff"
Theme Code
"name": "AlienBlood",
"black": "#112616",
"red": "#7f2b27",
"green": "#2f7e25",
"yellow": "#717f24",
"blue": "#2f6a7f",
"purple": "#47587f",
"cyan": "#327f77",
"white": "#647d75",
"brightBlack": "#3c4812",
"brightRed": "#e08009",
"brightGreen": "#18e000",
"brightYellow": "#bde000",
"brightBlue": "#00aae0",
"brightPurple": "#0058e0",
"brightCyan": "#00e0c4",
"brightWhite": "#73fa91",
"background": "#0f1610",
"foreground": "#637d75"
Theme Code
"name": "Andromeda",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#cd3131",
"green": "#05bc79",
"yellow": "#e5e512",
"blue": "#2472c8",
"purple": "#bc3fbc",
"cyan": "#0fa8cd",
"white": "#e5e5e5",
"brightBlack": "#666666",
"brightRed": "#cd3131",
"brightGreen": "#05bc79",
"brightYellow": "#e5e512",
"brightBlue": "#2472c8",
"brightPurple": "#bc3fbc",
"brightCyan": "#0fa8cd",
"brightWhite": "#e5e5e5",
"background": "#262a33",
"foreground": "#e5e5e5"
Theme Code
"name": "BirdsOfParadise",
"black": "#573d26",
"red": "#be2d26",
"green": "#6ba18a",
"yellow": "#e99d2a",
"blue": "#5a86ad",
"purple": "#ac80a6",
"cyan": "#74a6ad",
"white": "#e0dbb7",
"brightBlack": "#9b6c4a",
"brightRed": "#e84627",
"brightGreen": "#95d8ba",
"brightYellow": "#d0d150",
"brightBlue": "#b8d3ed",
"brightPurple": "#d19ecb",
"brightCyan": "#93cfd7",
"brightWhite": "#fff9d5",
"background": "#2a1f1d",
"foreground": "#e0dbb7"
Windows Terminal Light Themes
Theme Code
"name": "3024 Day",
"black": "#090300",
"red": "#db2d20",
"green": "#01a252",
"yellow": "#fded02",
"blue": "#01a0e4",
"purple": "#a16a94",
"cyan": "#b5e4f4",
"white": "#a5a2a2",
"brightBlack": "#5c5855",
"brightRed": "#e8bbd0",
"brightGreen": "#3a3432",
"brightYellow": "#4a4543",
"brightBlue": "#807d7c",
"brightPurple": "#d6d5d4",
"brightCyan": "#cdab53",
"brightWhite": "#f7f7f7",
"background": "#f7f7f7",
"foreground": "#4a4543"
Theme Code
"name": "AtomOneLight",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#de3e35",
"green": "#3f953a",
"yellow": "#d2b67c",
"blue": "#2f5af3",
"purple": "#950095",
"cyan": "#3f953a",
"white": "#bbbbbb",
"brightBlack": "#000000",
"brightRed": "#de3e35",
"brightGreen": "#3f953a",
"brightYellow": "#d2b67c",
"brightBlue": "#2f5af3",
"brightPurple": "#a00095",
"brightCyan": "#3f953a",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#f9f9f9",
"foreground": "#2a2c33"
Theme Code
"name": "Belafonte Day",
"black": "#20111b",
"red": "#be100e",
"green": "#858162",
"yellow": "#eaa549",
"blue": "#426a79",
"purple": "#97522c",
"cyan": "#989a9c",
"white": "#968c83",
"brightBlack": "#5e5252",
"brightRed": "#be100e",
"brightGreen": "#858162",
"brightYellow": "#eaa549",
"brightBlue": "#426a79",
"brightPurple": "#97522c",
"brightCyan": "#989a9c",
"brightWhite": "#d5ccba",
"background": "#d5ccba",
"foreground": "#45373c"

Theme Code
"name": "BlulocoLight",
"black": "#cbccd5",
"red": "#c90e42",
"green": "#21883a",
"yellow": "#d54d17",
"blue": "#1e44dd",
"purple": "#6d1bed",
"cyan": "#1f4d7a",
"white": "#000000",
"brightBlack": "#dedfe8",
"brightRed": "#fc4a6d",
"brightGreen": "#34b354",
"brightYellow": "#b89427",
"brightBlue": "#1085d9",
"brightPurple": "#c00db3",
"brightCyan": "#5b80ad",
"brightWhite": "#1d1d22",
"background": "#f7f7f7",
"foreground": "#2a2c33"
Theme Code
"name": "Builtin Solarized Light",
"black": "#073642",
"red": "#dc322f",
"green": "#859900",
"yellow": "#b58900",
"blue": "#268bd2",
"purple": "#d33682",
"cyan": "#2aa198",
"white": "#eee8d5",
"brightBlack": "#002b36",
"brightRed": "#cb4b16",
"brightGreen": "#586e75",
"brightYellow": "#657b83",
"brightBlue": "#839496",
"brightPurple": "#6c71c4",
"brightCyan": "#93a1a1",
"brightWhite": "#fdf6e3",
"background": "#fdf6e3",
"foreground": "#657b83"
Theme Code
"name": "coffee_theme",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#c91b00",
"green": "#00c200",
"yellow": "#c7c400",
"blue": "#0225c7",
"purple": "#ca30c7",
"cyan": "#00c5c7",
"white": "#c7c7c7",
"brightBlack": "#686868",
"brightRed": "#ff6e67",
"brightGreen": "#5ffa68",
"brightYellow": "#fffc67",
"brightBlue": "#6871ff",
"brightPurple": "#ff77ff",
"brightCyan": "#60fdff",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#f5deb3",
"foreground": "#000000"
Theme Code
"name": "CLRS",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#f8282a",
"green": "#328a5d",
"yellow": "#fa701d",
"blue": "#135cd0",
"purple": "#9f00bd",
"cyan": "#33c3c1",
"white": "#b3b3b3",
"brightBlack": "#555753",
"brightRed": "#fb0416",
"brightGreen": "#2cc631",
"brightYellow": "#fdd727",
"brightBlue": "#1670ff",
"brightPurple": "#e900b0",
"brightCyan": "#3ad5ce",
"brightWhite": "#eeeeec",
"background": "#ffffff",
"foreground": "#262626"
Theme Code
"name": "Github",
"black": "#3e3e3e",
"red": "#970b16",
"green": "#07962a",
"yellow": "#f8eec7",
"blue": "#003e8a",
"purple": "#e94691",
"cyan": "#89d1ec",
"white": "#ffffff",
"brightBlack": "#666666",
"brightRed": "#de0000",
"brightGreen": "#87d5a2",
"brightYellow": "#f1d007",
"brightBlue": "#2e6cba",
"brightPurple": "#ffa29f",
"brightCyan": "#1cfafe",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#f4f4f4",
"foreground": "#3e3e3e"
Theme Code
"name": "Material",
"black": "#212121",
"red": "#b7141f",
"green": "#457b24",
"yellow": "#f6981e",
"blue": "#134eb2",
"purple": "#560088",
"cyan": "#0e717c",
"white": "#efefef",
"brightBlack": "#424242",
"brightRed": "#e83b3f",
"brightGreen": "#7aba3a",
"brightYellow": "#ffea2e",
"brightBlue": "#54a4f3",
"brightPurple": "#aa4dbc",
"brightCyan": "#26bbd1",
"brightWhite": "#d9d9d9",
"background": "#eaeaea",
"foreground": "#232322"
Theme Code
"name": "Night Owlish Light",
"black": "#011627",
"red": "#d3423e",
"green": "#2aa298",
"yellow": "#daaa01",
"blue": "#4876d6",
"purple": "#403f53",
"cyan": "#08916a",
"white": "#7a8181",
"brightBlack": "#7a8181",
"brightRed": "#f76e6e",
"brightGreen": "#49d0c5",
"brightYellow": "#dac26b",
"brightBlue": "#5ca7e4",
"brightPurple": "#697098",
"brightCyan": "#00c990",
"brightWhite": "#989fb1",
"background": "#ffffff",
"foreground": "#403f53"
Theme Code
"name": "Novel",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#cc0000",
"green": "#009600",
"yellow": "#d06b00",
"blue": "#0000cc",
"purple": "#cc00cc",
"cyan": "#0087cc",
"white": "#cccccc",
"brightBlack": "#808080",
"brightRed": "#cc0000",
"brightGreen": "#009600",
"brightYellow": "#d06b00",
"brightBlue": "#0000cc",
"brightPurple": "#cc00cc",
"brightCyan": "#0087cc",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#dfdbc3",
"foreground": "#3b2322"
Theme Code
"name": "OneHalfLight",
"black": "#383a42",
"red": "#e45649",
"green": "#50a14f",
"yellow": "#c18401",
"blue": "#0184bc",
"purple": "#a626a4",
"cyan": "#0997b3",
"white": "#fafafa",
"brightBlack": "#4f525e",
"brightRed": "#e06c75",
"brightGreen": "#98c379",
"brightYellow": "#e5c07b",
"brightBlue": "#61afef",
"brightPurple": "#c678dd",
"brightCyan": "#56b6c2",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#fafafa",
"foreground": "#383a42"
Theme Code
"name": "PencilLight",
"black": "#212121",
"red": "#c30771",
"green": "#10a778",
"yellow": "#a89c14",
"blue": "#008ec4",
"purple": "#523c79",
"cyan": "#20a5ba",
"white": "#d9d9d9",
"brightBlack": "#424242",
"brightRed": "#fb007a",
"brightGreen": "#5fd7af",
"brightYellow": "#f3e430",
"brightBlue": "#20bbfc",
"brightPurple": "#6855de",
"brightCyan": "#4fb8cc",
"brightWhite": "#f1f1f1",
"background": "#f1f1f1",
"foreground": "#424242"
Theme Code
"name": "Spring",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#ff4d83",
"green": "#1f8c3b",
"yellow": "#1fc95b",
"blue": "#1dd3ee",
"purple": "#8959a8",
"cyan": "#3e999f",
"white": "#ffffff",
"brightBlack": "#000000",
"brightRed": "#ff0021",
"brightGreen": "#1fc231",
"brightYellow": "#d5b807",
"brightBlue": "#15a9fd",
"brightPurple": "#8959a8",
"brightCyan": "#3e999f",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#ffffff",
"foreground": "#4d4d4c"
Theme Code
"name": "Tomorrow",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#c82829",
"green": "#718c00",
"yellow": "#eab700",
"blue": "#4271ae",
"purple": "#8959a8",
"cyan": "#3e999f",
"white": "#ffffff",
"brightBlack": "#000000",
"brightRed": "#c82829",
"brightGreen": "#718c00",
"brightYellow": "#eab700",
"brightBlue": "#4271ae",
"brightPurple": "#8959a8",
"brightCyan": "#3e999f",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#ffffff",
"foreground": "#4d4d4c"
Theme Code
"name": "Violet Light",
"black": "#56595c",
"red": "#c94c22",
"green": "#85981c",
"yellow": "#b4881d",
"blue": "#2e8bce",
"purple": "#d13a82",
"cyan": "#32a198",
"white": "#d3d0c9",
"brightBlack": "#45484b",
"brightRed": "#bd3613",
"brightGreen": "#738a04",
"brightYellow": "#a57705",
"brightBlue": "#2176c7",
"brightPurple": "#c61c6f",
"brightCyan": "#259286",
"brightWhite": "#c9c6bd",
"background": "#fcf4dc",
"foreground": "#536870"
This page contains a total of hand-picked 53 themes for Windows Terminal. You can find many more at the website and by searching for ‘Windows Terminal theme’ on Github.
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