The websites you visit on the internet are made of hundreds and thousands of files. Those files load at once on your browser when you visit them. To speed up the page-loading process, Edge or any other browser will ‘save’ data of the site, the first time you visit, in its cache.

So, when you visit the same website multiple times, your browser displays the files saved in its cache to cut down the page load-time.

Websites undergo changes every day and new updates might not load on your browser because of the cache. Your browser keeps serving you with the cached version of the website until you clear the cache.

Microsoft Edge does the same and clearing cache will fix it. You can delete the cache manually or chose to clear it automatically on the exit of the browser every time.

Clear Cache Manually

Open Microsoft Edge and click on the three-dot icon on the toolbar. Then, click on ‘Settings’ from the options.

You will now see the settings page of Edge. Click on ‘Privacy, search, and services’ in the left-side panel of the page.

In the ‘Privacy, search, and services’ page, scroll down to the ‘Clear browsing data’ section and click on the ‘Choose what to clear’ button.

A dialog box to ‘Clear browsing data’ will open. Select the time range by clicking on the drop-down button and check the box beside ‘Cached images and files’. Then click on the ‘Clear now’ button.

Automatically Clear Cache on Exit

Automatically clearing cached data when closing Edge is a brilliant feature. To enable it, access Microsoft Edge Settings from the Menu options.

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Like in the previous method, click on ‘Privacy, search, and services’ in the left-side panel of the page. Then, in the ‘Clear browsing data’ section, click on ‘Choose what to clear every time you close the browser’.

You will see options to clear the browsing history, download, history, cookies, etc. Toggle the buttons beside them to enable them (they are disabled by default).

If you don’t want to clear cached data of a particular website, click on the ‘Add’ button as seen in the below image.

A new dialog box to enter website address will open. Enter the website address in the text box below ‘Site’. You may enable or disable clearing third-party websites on that particular site by checking/unchecking the button beside it. Then, click on the ‘Add’ button.

Microsoft Edge will now automatically clear cache and cookies when you close the browser.