In short.
Chrome's Reading Mode removes clutter and distractions from websites, making reading articles and blog posts easier. To enable Reading Mode, go to chrome://flags/ and type "Reader" in the search bar. Select "Enabled" and click "Relaunch." To use Reading Mode, click the "Reader Mode" button in the address bar. You can customize the font size, style, and background in Reading Mode.

Websites are often cluttered with ads, banners, and other distractions, making it difficult to read articles and blog posts. Chrome's Reading Mode is a built-in feature that removes all the clutter, leaving you with just the text and images. This makes it easier to focus on the content and read without distractions.

How to Enable Reading Mode in Chrome

To enable Reading Mode in Chrome, head to chrome://flags/ using the Chrome browser. Then, type 'Reader' in the search bar to perform a search for experimental features.

After that, click on the drop-down menu following the 'Enable Reader Mode' option and select the 'Enabled' option. If you wish for the feature to be available in the standard settings menu of Chrome, select the 'Enabled available in settings' option.

Once enabled, click the relaunch button at the bottom right corner of the screen to restart Chrome.

How to Use Reading Mode in Chrome

After enabling Reading Mode in Chrome's experimental features, you should see the 'Reader Mode' button in the far right corner of the address bar every time a webpage in a compatible format is open in a tab.

To use the Reading Mode, click on the 'Reader Mode' button in the address bar.

Once the reader mode is activated, the webpage will instantly turn into a simplified view, without any ads, banners, videos, or any such clutter. The reader mode icon in the address bar will also turn blue.

Customizing the font size, style, or background in reader mode. Click the 'A' button at the top-right corner to open the 'Customize appearance' overlay menu.

To change the font size, stretch the slider towards the right side. You can change the font style by clicking on the drop-down menu and the background color from the available options in the color palette.

Lastly, when you're done reading. You can turn off the reader mode by clicking on the blue 'Reader mode' icon on the address.

While you do not require the reading mode every time you visit a website to read an article. However, it can come in handy when you are at one of those pesky sites that like to bombard you with a bazillion adverts.