• You can now talk to Meta AI and it can hold conversations in iconic voices like Dame Judi Dench's.
  • Meta AI is also getting more multimodal capabilites, and you'll be able to share photos with the AI to get more information about them.
  • The AI can now also make edits to your photos like removing or adding objects to them.

The world of artificial intelligence is experiencing new waves, thanks to Meta. At Meta Connect 2024, the company made a ton of announcements, from their new AR glasses to improvements to their AI.

For starters, Meta AI is getting a Voice feature so you can now have two-way conversations with the chatbot on Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram DMs. Users can also see the chatbot's answer on their screen,

Source: Meta

Voice conversations aren't a new feature for chatbots. In fact, competitors like OpenAI and Google have already left behind normal voice modes for their respective chatbots, ChatGPT and Gemini, and entering advanced capabilities where conversations with them are more natural: You can interrupt the chatbot in the middle of a response, for instance.

While Meta did not showcase any such capabilities for its AI chatbot, the voices it includes has still managed to garner enough attention. Apart from the standardised, assistant-like voices in Meta AI, the platform includes voices from actors like Dame Judi Dench, Kristen Bell, Awkwafina, John Cena, and Keegan Michael Key. Being able to talk to Dame Judi Dench, or a voice like hers, seriously makes this whole enterprise more attractive!

Source: Meta

Additionally, you can now also share images in your chat with Meta AI and learn more about the picture from the chatbot. You can share a picture of a flower you're curious about, for instance, or get the recipe for a dish by sharing its photo.

Source: Meta

But what's more impressive is that Meta AI is also getting the capability to edit your photos. You can tell Meta AI what you want to add, change, or remove in the photo, and the AI bot can do it for you. It can replace your background or change your outfit!

It would be very impressive indeed if it works as intended. Most AI tools that offer such capabilities are not available readily. For instance, Apple Intelligence on iPhones can edit your photos with AI but the feature will be limited to only the latest iPhones when it arrives.

Meta AI can also generate backgrounds for your stories that match your photos on Instagram.

These new multimodal features are powered by Meta's Llama 3.2 model, but the chatbot still has a long way to go in terms of multimodality to stay relevant in the generative AI space. These new features will start rolling out soon.

Apart from these, Meta AI is also getting other upgrades, like translations for content creators and an even more prominent presence on Meta's platforms. Meta is also going to be testing AI generated content in users' feeds, generated just for them, which I'm not too sure about.

Meta's AI is already too prevalent on the company's platforms for most people's liking. The company should stop pushing their tool on its userbase and let people come to it when they have the need for it. But I guess, that's not Meta's style!