A lot of Apex Legends players on the PC are reporting an audio issue with the game where the sound lags and delays. According to user reports, the audio is being delayed in Apex Legends when in a gunfight with enemies. “There’s no sound at the time of fighting but after a while, you could hear the sound as being delayed,” said one Apex Legends PC player.

Music, footsteps, distant gunfire are all fine right up until there is a close fight and from there, all the sound effects are massively delayed and running through an area where there was a big fight is like reliving the fight even if there is no action there anymore.


Respawn devs haven’t yet acknowledged the Apex Legends sound issue, but thanks to the community members like Nulcado, we already have a few workarounds to fix the problem.

How to fix Apex Legends sound issues

  • Turn up the in-game volume to 100%: One of the working solutions to fix Apex Legends audio lag issue is to turn up the in-game volume to 100% and then control the volume through Windows volume control slider only.
  • Turn off Nvidia ShadowPlay: If you use Nvidia ShadowPlay to record and capture your game, you may want to turn it off because some users have suggested disabling ShawdowPlay fixes the sound issue in Apex Legends.
  • Uninstall/Remove any sound enhancement software: If you’ve got a sound enhancement software from the speaker/headphone OEM installed or any general software, then remove it from your PC. It might be causing issues with the game’s audio engine.
  • Repair Apex Legends using Origin: This is the default fix for almost every Apex Legends issue. Not guaranteed to work but definitely worth giving a try. To repair the game, right-click on Apex Legends in Origin’s library, and select Repair from the context menu.

We hope the fixes mentioned above help you iron out the sound issues in Apex Legends. Cheers!