The Windows 10 1809 update is breaking it bad for those who installed the feature update from Microsoft in good faith. Apparently, after installing Windows 10 version 1809 when users restart their PC, all user files appear to be deleted from Documents, Pictures, Videos, etc. folders. However, we’re here to tell you that you can retrieve the files back.

The October 2018 feature update isn’t deleting your files, but it’s erroneously creating a new user profile for your account, and thus not showing the files of the previous user.

Your deleted files are probably still stored on your PC inside Users directory in C drive or whichever the drive you’ve installed Windows on your PC.

How to get back files deleted by Windows 10 1809 update

  1. Open the drive where Windows is installed. Mostly, it’s the C drive.
  2. Select the Users folder.
  3. Under users directory, open the folder that looks like your abbreviated account name or email ID. You’ve to find your previous user ID folder here.
  4. All your Documents, Pictures, Videos, and other User related files will be available inside your User directory.

There’s no surety if the above-mentioned tip will work for everyone but a handful of users who had their files deleted by the Windows 10 version 1809, were able to recover their data.

Also see: How to avoid Windows 10 1809 from deleting files and user profile