Microsoft began rolling out the Windows 10 version 1809 update earlier this week after halting it last month due to data related issues. The re-released Windows 10 1809 update comes with build number 17763.107 (KB4464455), and is ready to be downloaded from Settings » Update & Security menu on Windows 10 running computers.

The newer 1809 build installs fine for most users, but there have been reports of some Windows 10 users who are unable to install the update on their PCs. Apparently, the update fully downloads and goes through 50% of the installation process before booting back to the version 1803 and starts reverting changes.

Folks over at reddit suggests that the issue has to do with the development mode on Windows 10 and uninstalling fixes the “Reverting changes” problem when trying to install Windows 10 version 1809.

How to fix “Reverting changes” problem

  1. Open a command prompt window. Press “Win + R” » type cmd and hit enter to open a Command Prompt.
  2. Now paste the following the command into the CMD window and hit enter to disable and uninstall Development mode.

  3. dism /online /remove-package /packagename:Microsoft-OneCore-DeveloperMode-Desktop-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.17134.1
  4. Once development mode is disabled, go to Settings » Update & Security » Check for updates and try to install the Windows 10 version 1809 again.
