Moderating a room on Clubhouse can sometimes get tricky. For instance, when the number of people on the stage increases, or when speakers don’t maintain decorum and do things that violate the Clubhouse guidelines. All these can affect the count of listeners as well as the other speaker’s morale and interest.

Moderators are the ones who control the room, so the responsibility of managing the stage, being fair to everyone, giving speakers enough time as well as bringing listeners to the stage lies on them.

Rooms in Clubhouse can have up to 8000 members and managing these many may get problematic. To be a moderator, you have to either start a room or an existing moderator makes you one when you join a room.

Related: How to Start a Room in Clubhouse

Let’s see how you can be a good moderator on Clubhouse.

⚖️ Equality Amongst Speakers

If you are a moderator, there are instances when a speaker may try to be dominant on the stage and not let others speak. As a moderator, it is your job to ensure that every speaker gets a fair amount of time to share their views.

You have certain powers in a room as a moderator that help you maintain decorum. For instance, if someone tries to dominate, you can mute them or remove them from the stage.

🎤 The Right Number of Speakers

With the number of Clubhouse users increasing, more people are now part of rooms. If there are many speakers on the stage, it becomes intricate to moderate, but with more speakers and listeners in your room, it is visible to a larger audience. This will in turn bring more people to the room, which is beneficial to your room and your popularity on the platform.

As per Clubhouse, anywhere between 5-15 is the ideal speaker count for a healthy interaction. This is suitable for listeners as well since they can easily follow individual speakers and learn, get motivated, or simply enjoy, whatever be the case.

Related: How to Follow Someone on Clubhouse

🧑‍⚖️ Be Authoritative

When you are the moderator, members, speakers, and listeners, in the room look up to you. It is your job to maintain balance and decorum, and you can only do so by exercising your rights when required.

For instance, you see two people arguing on a subject and not letting the conversation proceed, warn them once, and then move them from the stage to the listener’s section. This has proved fairly efficient in maintaining decency in a group and keeping everyone engaged, not just the speakers but the listeners as well.

Communicate with the Listeners

It’s not just the speakers that you should be concerned about, the listeners form an important section in a room, therefore, you should encourage them to raise their hand and join the speaker’s section. Listeners can give some valuable inputs if they have been listening without a bias or have achieved great heights in the topic at hand.

Also, make sure you don’t force someone to come on to the stage, as they are many who just want to listen and not be on the stage. Your role as a moderator would come into question if you start putting listeners in an awkward spot. If you plan to make hosting rooms a periodic affair, you got to build a connection with everyone, be it the speakers or the listeners.

👉 Report Users to Clubhouse Support

As we earlier discussed about conflicts in a room, not all can be managed by the moderator that easily, therefore, Clubhouse recommends you to report the user/incident so that necessary action can be taken. Furthermore, if you feel the situation is turning from bad to worse, close the room. That’s the simplest solution to keep yourself away from any trouble.

Related: How to Report Someone on Clubhouse

📅 Inform Audience in Advance

If you host a room, also try to schedule one and not start impromptu, as this allows people to plan accordingly. A good moderator has the interest of the audience in mind, and informing them beforehand will increase the engagement rate. If the topic is something where others can contribute as well, this also gives them time to prepare.

Moreover, if your rooms are a weekly thing, inform the listeners of the same, before ending the room. Many of the listeners are there for the first time, and this additional information can help increase the number of participants the next time.

Once you are done reading this article, you will be able to moderate a room on Clubhouse with a lot more confidence and be effective.