Managing user accounts in Windows 11 doesn't have to be a trip through endless menus. For those who prefer quick, direct control, the 'Net User' command is your go-to tool. Whether you're adding a new user or changing passwords, this command line technique is both efficient and powerful. But remember, it's a tool for administrators, so you'll need those privileges to use it.

What Exactly is the net user Command? Think of the Net User command as your Swiss Army knife for user account management. It works through the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell, allowing you to manage accounts right from the command line. No need to navigate through multiple settings screens!

Key Parameters of the Net User Command

Let's break down the most useful parameters:

  • net user: Lists all active user accounts.
  • username: Shows details of a specific user. Use it like net user username.
  • /add: Creates a new user. Use it like net user username /add.
  • /delete: Removes a user. Just type net user username /delete.
  • password: Changes or sets a password.
  • /: Creates a prompt for password entry.
  • /domain: Applies the command to a domain, great for server admins.
  • /help: Shows a helpful list of commands.
  • /active:{yes | no}: Activates or deactivates a user account.
  • /comment: Adds a comment to a user account.
  • /passwordchg:{yes | no}: Allows or prevents a user from changing their password.

Practical Examples

Adding a New User

  1. Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Type net user [username] [password] /add (replace [username] and [password] with your desired details).
upload in progress, 0

Removing a User

  1. Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Type net user [username] /delete (replace [username] with the user's name).
upload in progress, 0

Checking User Details

  1. Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. First, type net user to see all users.
  3. Then, type net user [username] to get details on a specific user.
upload in progress, 0

Changing a User's Password

  1. Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Type net user [username] [new password] (replace [username] and [new password]).
upload in progress, 0


Accounts created with the Net User command are local accounts. This means they're specific to your machine and don't link to online Microsoft accounts.