Mindhunter — as the name makes it clear — is about the deep-rooted twists and turns of the human brain. And this Netflix Original series takes the concept a notch further. It is about the psychological analysis of dangerous criminal minds. WHAAT! Interested already? Wait, let’s give a little more introduction. Set in the 1970s, Mindhunter takes us through the journey of the FBI’s Behavioral Sciences Unit — when two team members try to change the contemporary investigative methods for serial killers. The show delves further into the subject and tells us how the FBI finally succeeded in including psychology into their criminal cases. It’s a fascinating watch as it’s based on real-life criminals and the FBI agents who interviewed them. Combining facts with fiction, Mindhunter is a stellar, intense series. And here are our 8 reasons why you should give it a watch (definitely).

Fabulous Quotes
Mindhunter is packed with quotes that set your mind spinning and actually forces you to think. One of our favorites is – ‘How do we get ahead of crazy if we don’t know what crazy thinks?’ And here’s another, ‘The question is not only why did the killer do it, but why did the killer do it this way?’ So now you get what we are trying to say? Watch it for more but remember to put on your thinking caps beforehand!
It’s Directed by David Fincher
When a project has the mind of David Fincher put into it, we shouldn’t give it a second thought. The creator of Gone Girl and Fight Club is renowned for his expert grasp on topics which explore character and psychology. He takes us through the minds of disturbed, complex characters in the most wonderful manner. And Mindhunter is no exception.
It’s True

When something is based on true facts, it becomes more interesting immediately. Mindhunter is based on a book — Mind Hunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit — written by FBI agents during the 70s and combines reality with fiction, while presenting us with factual data about horrific crimes, police procedures, and the aftermath.
It Makes You Think
When agents Ford and Tench interview different serial killers, you will find that the inclinations, revelations, and human nature of offenders resonate with any normal individual. In fact, what they do seems pretty normal to them — like to us when we sip a cup of coffee. So yes, again, Mindhunter will force you to think.
Wonderful Cast
Starring Jonathan Groff in the lead role and Holt McCallany as his partner, the duo is perfect for their individual roles. They pull off their characters seamlessly, while putting up a compelling act without diverting our attention from the real stars — the serial killers.

It’s a Prequel to Your Favorite Crime Thrillers
Before Criminal Minds, NCIS, CSI became popular as crime thrillers, Mindhunter sets the stage for them. Nowadays, shows which study a killer’s mind has become so common. But who began this phenomenon and how? By profiling criminal psychology after actually interviewing the offenders.
Less Action, More Conversation
Without intense action sequences, Mindhunter approaches the existing library of crime shows a bit differently. With detailed interactions and engaging conversations, it is more focused on exploring thoughts, motives, and overall behavior. In the words of Fincher himself, ‘There are acts and movements in the way that people move their agenda, and try to understand and look for clarification, and that stuff can be as interesting as people running through the streets showing their badges.’
It’s Already Renewed for a 2nd Season

There has already been an announcement that Netflix has commissioned a second season of Mindhunter. Will it become a cultural phenomenon like OITNB and Stranger Things? We really hope so!
With another installment coming soon, we are totally excited to see what the coming season holds for its audience. Till then, start with the one already streaming on Netflix!
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