Like every other OS, Windows 10 has a switch to enable Bluetooth under device settings. However, to turn on Bluetooth on Windows 10, you must have the hardware required for Bluetooth installed on your system.

If you’re on a laptop, you’ll most likely have the Bluetooth feature. However, if you’re on a Desktop, chances are pretty good that you don’t have the Bluetooth module installed on your PC. This is because most of the motherboards for desktop PCs don’t come with a Bluetooth module on-board. To get Bluetooth on a Windows 10 desktop PC, you may have to purchase an external Bluetooth USB adapter.

How to access Windows 10 Bluetooth setting

  1. Open Start menu and click on the Settings icon.
  2. Select Devices on the settings screen. This will get you to the Bluetooth & other devices settings screen by default. If not, select it from the sidebar on left.
  3. On the Bluetooth & other devices screen, click on the toggle beneath Bluetooth option to turn it ON.

That’s it. Bluetooth is now enabled on your Windows 10 PC.

Tip: Just in case you don’t know, Windows 10 now has an inbuilt file sharing feature like the Apple AirDrop which lets you transfer files to Nearby PCs over Bluetooth. It’s quick and easy to use.