Every year, Apple releases a major iOS update in the fall. They also showcase the upcoming iOS in the annual WWDC held in the summer where they announce all the major updates to the OS. This year’s iOS 15 followed the same protocol.
iOS 15 is finally available for install on compatible iPhones, but it’s missing one of the crucial updates Apple showcased at the WWDC’21 this year. SharePlay was one of the most pivotal features of iOS 15. It had folks all over the world most excited. But if you eagerly made some FaceTime calls as soon as your iPhone updated and found yourself confused, you’re not the only one. Let’s see what all the fuss is about.
What is SharePlay in iOS 15?
If you aren’t aware of what we’re talking about, let me bring you up to speed. SharePlay is the newest software enhancement coming to FaceTime in iOS 15. On compatible devices, it’ll allow the users to watch movies or shows and listen to music or podcasts together. Everyone in the call will also be able to control the playback for videos or audio.

Even though FaceTime calls will now be possible with Android and Windows users, SharePlay will only be available for Apple users. Even among the Apple users, all users in the call must be on iOS 15 or iPadOS 15 to use this feature.
When Apple showcased the feature, the list of supported apps was a small one. Users could navigate to Apple TV, Apple Music, and Apple Podcasts for a shared viewing or listening experience.

But Apple did promise big third-party names like Disney Plus, HBO Max, Paramount Plus, TikTok, and Twitch that’ll be on board for the official release. Now, all that’ll still happen, but it’s been pushed back a little while.
Why is SharePlay not Working in iOS 15 at Release?
SharePlay or any mention of it is notably missing from the official release of iOS 15. But that’s not really a surprise. Apple already announced last month that SharePlay won’t be a part of the official iOS 15 release but would be coming as a part of one of the subsequent updates.
They also removed the feature from the developer betas, whereas the earlier builds used to have it. Furthermore, Apple also asked the third-party developers to hold any updates back if they were planning to include the SharePlay API in their app updates.
Apple has not made any statements as to why they’re holding back SharePlay currently. But the only explanation is that it must not be working properly, and Apple’s engineers need more time to make SharePlay work like clockwork.
When will FaceTime SharePlay Release?
Even though there is no concrete release date available yet, Apple says it will bring it to the future developer beta releases. And SharePlay will also release to the public later this fall.
So, the “fall” terminology suggests it shouldn’t take any later than October this year to come to everyone. But these are just speculations at this point. At any rate, it’ll be here sometime later this year.
SharePlay is undeniably one of the most exciting features of iOS 15. But it’s not the only good feature of the update. Just hold tight and enjoy the rest of the iOS 15 while we wait. SharePlay will be here in no time, and you’ll be able to enjoy the content of various apps with friends and family.
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