How to Change Playback Speed on Anchor
The production speed of a podcast may at times be a little slow to your liking. Anchor has the perfect solution to make things go just the way you like it.
The production speed of a podcast may at times be a little slow to your liking. Anchor has the perfect solution to make things go just the way you like it.
You don't always have to send an email right away unless it's called for. Schedule your emails in advance and make canceling an option!
When you put your WhatsApp in dark mode, you also gain the option to dim your wallpaper. Here's how you can enjoy an even darker screen on WhatsApp.
A podcast must be accessible regardless of the environment. Here's how you can change to telephone or speaker mode while listening to your favorite podcasts.
If Spotify's giving you a tough time lately, clearing the cache might do the trick. Here's how you can clear the cache on the Spotify mobile and desktop app.
We're not always willing to save a contact just to WhatsApp them. With these tricks, you can easily message any number on WhatsApp without saving it!
WhatsApp allows you to have a general wallpaper for all chats, and custom wallpapers for the special ones. Here's how you do both.
Spotify allows you the space to enjoy music without judgement, interference, or noise with the 'Private Playlist' feature. Here's how to use it!
Autoplay ensures a smooth transition to similar tracks based on your current track. It's the feature that keeps the music going. Use it now!
If you're trying to get rid of the explicitness on some Spotify number for yourself, someone else, or a particular occasion, here's how you do it.
There are a couple of essentials before you get podcasting. Here's everything you need to do to set up your podcast on Anchor!
Pinning the recycle bin to the taskbar used to be an impossible task. Until now. Here's how you can smoothly pin the trashcan icon to your taskbar
Here's how you can modify the speed of voice notes on WhatsApp and listen to them in a range that's comfortable! (or funny).
You can now record your WhatsApp voice note and listen to it before sending it. Here's how you use the feature on mobile and desktop devices
If you and your friends have the same or uniquely different musical tastes, bring them together with Spotify's collaborative playlist!