
1087 posts
How to Use Zoom Video Filters

How to Use Zoom Video Filters

Zoom is one of the most popular platforms for holding video calls these days. Whether it’s an office meeting, online class for school, or a movie night with friends, people turn to Zoom for all sorts of needs. But as days turned into months, and the end nowhere in...

What is Nearpod and How Teachers and Students Can Use It

What is Nearpod and How Teachers and Students Can Use It

Nearpod is an instructional platform for teachers, schools, and students. It’s a formative assessment platform that has various features to make learning engaging and collaborative for students via activities. Although it will make for a great learning aid in general, it can be especially useful in the current situation...

Where is Together Mode in Microsoft Teams

Where is Together Mode in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams announced the Together Mode last month. It garnered a lot of hype in the community for its ingenuity. Microsoft has apparently “decades of research” – as they put it – into the idea that the Together Mode will bring people closer in the virtual setting. What is Together Mode The...

How to Create Breakout Rooms in Microsoft Teams

How to Create Breakout Rooms in Microsoft Teams

Breakout Rooms are quite in demand in the video conferencing ecosystem. Using breakout rooms, people can mimic the real-life scenarios of breaking into smaller groups during an online meeting or lecture and reconvene after brainstorming sessions or group discussions have come to a halt. Unfortunately, Microsoft Teams officially does not...

How to Open Outlook in Safe Mode

How to Open Outlook in Safe Mode

Microsoft Outlook doesn’t need any introduction. It has been around for what feels like since the days of Yore, helping people manage their personal information. But sometimes there are troubles with Outlook, the most common being that it keeps closing on its own. Most of the time, the first...

FIX: Microsoft Teams Not Loading Problem

FIX: Microsoft Teams Not Loading Problem

A lot of organizations use Microsoft Teams extensively to facilitate conversation and collaboration among the employees in the workplace. There’s a reason it is known as a Workstream Collaboration app, instead of just video conferencing. Users handle all projects and related communication through Microsoft Teams. So, imagine the frustration...

How to Enable Webex Closed Captioning

How to Enable Webex Closed Captioning

Cisco Webex is one of the popular video conferencing apps out there. A lot of organizations and schools use it to conduct online meetings and classes to keep a handle on things during these unusual times. One of the great things about video conferencing is that you can have closed...

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